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Meet Jules

My path seems to be a long and winding road.  As a young adult I acquired an unrelenting knowing that the power of thought creates reality, so I thought myself into this journey of intuition, guidance and coaching. It wasn't road I planned on taking. But, I somehow knew I didn’t need to live with the gnawing of angst and loneliness of a childhood that lacked structure or foundation. One in which I grew silent in a family culture of molestation and a trumpeted dictate I was to never inconvenience any adults in my life.

And so, when I was barely a teenager, I began following a faint voice inside that reassured me “…I don't have to live in pain.” I sought out my own healing, my own worth and my own constant and perpetual re-evolution. Through music and philosophy, fantastic therapists, a little bit of religion, many spiritual teachings and mostly serendipitous alignments, I gained more peace, confidence and this intuition that constantly calls me to keep honing it. It is my biggest contribution to life. I go Spelunking daily into the depth of my mind, body and spirit for greater awareness and any opportunity to fall in absolute unconditional love with myself. And it certainly is working

This is the foundation of my work.  I am formally trained and certified

as a Martha Beck Wayfinder Life Coach and a ThetaHealing®   Practitioner. I have been incorporating Young LivingTherapeutic Grade Essential Oils for more than 7 years and I am trained in the Raindrop Technique. I have followed a profound call of Somatic healing and it has been an integral part of my personal and professional practices for over a decade.  My approach and modalities are a mailable conglomeration of all my studies, discoveries and implementations. In other words, every session is unique to every client depending on what is needed.


I know that each of us has the ability to live the life we want. No matter if you're looking for accountability and guidance to accomplish goals, intuitive insights to expand beyond patterns in order to shift and evolve out of limitations, or if you want to remove, heal and re-program your subconscious mind. I know you can be all you want to be and even more than what you’ve dreamed. I don’t heal you, I help you heal you! It is my greatest joy and my truest calling. 


I currently reside happily in my hometown of Los Angeles, CA with my wife of 31 years and our two magical dogs. I work with clients in-person, over the phone or via Zoom and FaceTime.


As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else. 

- Maya Angelou

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